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Primăria si Consiliul Local Târgu Cărbunesti © 2011. All Rights Reserved.
Administrative, P. R. MEDIA
Component parts:
Senior adviser Chirita Elena Liana
Assistant adviser Zanfira Maria-Anunziata 

Public Relations - the application of Law 544
Law 544/2001 on free access to public information
List comprising the public documents:
According to art. 5 of Law 544/2001, each public authority or institution is obliged to inform the public office the following information:
a) that regulate the organization and functioning of public authority or institution;
b) organizational structure, responsibilities of departments, program operation, program audiences of public authority or institution;
c) name and surname of the lead authority or public institutions and officials responsible for public information;
d) contact information of the public authority or institution, such as: name, address, telephone, fax, e-mail and web address;
e) financial resources, budget and balance sheet;
f) programs and strategies;
g) the list of categories of documents produced and / or managed by law;
h) how to appeal the decision authority or public institution in case the person is considered injured on the right of access to information of public interest;
i) the normative order of the Prefect
The list of public documents, products and / or managed, other than those provided by default
Law no. 544/2001
    * Normative judgments of the City Council Tg.Carbunesti
    * Provisions issued by Mayor normative Tg.Carbunesti
    * The normative acts regulating the organization and functioning of the City Hall and City Council Tg.Carbunesti Tg.Carbunesti nominal component as the local council.
    * Information compiled by the Mayor on the economic and social Tg.Carbunesti aorasului and information on how to bring out the decisions of local council
    * Annual activity reports prepared by advisers and by the deputy town
    * The local budget, balance sheet, budget execution account local
    * Offers to sell land located outside the city Tg.Carbunesti and lands under forest located in the city.
    * List of regulations according to which the mayor may find contraventions and sanctions apply
    * List the representatives of the mayor which may apply to offenses and penalties in the fields of activity
    * List of finding contraventions minutes
    * Documents on the allocation of space for housing and rental or lease on the premises of destination other than the living
    * Proposals from citizens, ways of appeal, in case the person is considered injured on the right of access to information of public interest
    * General urban plans, town planning regulations, detailed urban plans, urban zoning plans, plans of situation and location of street furniture and temporary buildings
    * List of planning certificates, building permits issued, certificates of scoring in the land of street nomenclature certificates, notices of change of destination
    * The statistics on marital status activity: the number of births, marriages, deaths and other such
    * Evidence files: guardianship, curatorship, mentally ill and dangerous care, social assistance to the elderly in order to conclude a legal act of alienation, his care for maintenance and
    * Records of legal department
    * Activities and places that can provide useful work in communities, and the presence of the monthly welfare recipients work
    * Lists of tenders for public procurement, services and works in accordance with Law no. 212/2002, of technical documentation for the investment works
    * Organization of competition for vacancies
    * Information on local taxes and fees levels set according to local council decisions, their calculation of taxpayers who benefit from tax incentives, and information concerning the implementation of any provisions of the Ordinance no. 36/2002, on local taxes, republished, with subsequent amendments
    * Relations of collaboration or partnership with public authorities in the country and abroad, twinning with other communities abroad programs of bilateral visits, information about funding opportunities, how to get funding from the European Union and other donors, specific procedures ongoing employment and programs for pre-accession assistance, information on the European Union, about the impact of the new Member States joining EU
    * List of State-owned apartments
    * List of requests for housing
    * Lists the priority for housing allocation
    * Social surveys conducted in the distribution of housing
    * The criteria for prioritizing requests for housing in the settlement and distribution of housing
    * The amount of rent for rented homes and their calculation
    * Data and documents on public lighting
    * Documents on the purchase of public works, services or products
    * Data on Road Signs and documents
    * List of producer certificates issued
    * Information on cultural and sports activities held in the city
    * Relations O.N.G. sites
    * Information about external financing programs, relationships with SMEs
List of documents that are exempt from the free access of citizens
    * Information from national defense, public security and order, if falling within the categories of classified information, law
    * Information on the deliberations of authorities, and those relating to economic and political interests of Romania, if you are part of classified information, law
    * Information regarding commercial or financial activities if their advertising undermines the principle of fair competition under the law
    * Information on personal data by law
    * Information on the procedure during a criminal investigation or disciplinnare, if they endanger the outcome of the investigation to reveal confidential sources or endanger the life, physical integrity, health of a person from the investigation carried out or underway
    * Information on court proceedings, if advertising is detrimental to a fair trial or legitimate interest of any of the parties involved in the process
    * Whose advertising information prejudicial to the protection of young
    * Internal audit working papers puiblic

Ultima actualizare 07.02.2025